Week 3: What are the “Rules of Fandom”?

Course: Am I a Fan Yet?

Every Fandom is Different

The very nature of fandoms is that they are different from each other. Sure, maybe all of your fannish friends are in the same fandoms as you, even then, think about all the different things one fandom cares about that another may not.

All fandoms are their own subcultures. In other words, they have their own values, norms, and even “languages.” For example, to a person who has never read a Harry Potter novel (or seen the films), the term “muggle” may mean very little, but to those who have lived in the culture of Harry Potter fandom “muggle” may be just another word in their vocabulary.

This being said, there are some general fannish norms that tend to be prevalent in almost all fan spaces. This week, learn about the etiquette, norms and informal “rules” of fandom. Keep in mind that there is an exception for every rule, and every fandom has its own unwritten rules that you’ll pick up on the longer you’re there.


“Fandom Etiquette” by Cathryn Lien

“The Fall of Fandom Etiquette and The Rise of The Ship War” by Clare McBride

“‘Can I take your picture?’—Privacy in cosplay” by Babak Zarin

Activity and Discussion

The best way to learn about fandom norms is to do a little Googling and spend time in fandom. Below is a list of fandom norms. Pick one (or a couple) and do a little research and try to answer the prompts.


  • Gift Economy
  • Pseudonymity
  • Don’t Like, Don’t Read (DL;DR)
  • Ship and Let Ship


  • Explain what the norm is/means
  • Give an example of when this norm might be seen in action
  • Give an example of when this norm might be broken
  • Where does this norm originate from?
  • What practical purpose does this norm serve?

Post your reactions and reflections to this week’s material and activity in the comment section below, and don’t forget to interact with others!

Next Week